Swimming Pool Cleaning Service &
Pool Repair Experts
In business since 1996
IPSSA Water Chemistry Certified
Ca. State License #796305
Fully Insured and Workman’s compensation

See what 33 years of experience can do for you!
We provide expert pool cleaning service, pool service, and pool repair, in these cities;
If you are looking for expert pool cleaning service and pool repair, you came to the right place. Notice that we have been IPSSA water chemistry certified since 1996 and are Ca. State Licensed and liability insured. We provide commercial and residential pool cleaning service and pool repair.
With Pool Heaven, you can count on a very experienced, safe, expert pool cleaning service. We strive to provide the best customer service possible as well as beautiful, sparkling swimming pools.

We will earn your business each month.
Our pool service technicians fill out and leave chemical logs on every pool service visit, so you know when your service was and what your pool water chemistry levels were. We also customize pool water chemistry plans for each pool or spa for optimum longevity of your pool or spa water. You can find more details about our expert pool water chemistry strategy in our pool school section where our founder writes expert articles to help you enjoy and use your swimming pool or spa as much as possible.
We focus our pool service on cities that we know we can achieve the highest quality of pool service, so we don’t over-expand and limit our quality. Your thoughts and communication are highly valued to us and we want to know how we can better serve our Orange County Pool Service Customers. We constantly listen and adjust to innovation and ideas that will gain our customers better pool service.

You will notice an extra sparkle in your swimming pool with our swimming pool cleaning service due to the many techniques we have created since 1996. Read through our pool school to learn about our expert pool cleaning service, spa service, and pool repair.
Read about us and check out our affordable expert pool cleaning service plans on our pool service page. Don’t trust the health of your family to an inexperienced, unlicensed pool cleaning service. Call the best!

Swimming Pool Cleaning Service and Pool Repair Experts
In Business Since 1996
IPSSA Water Chemistry Certified
Ca. State License #796305
Fully Insured and Workman's compensation