You Can’t Stop The Rain , So Expect Some Pool Flooding In Huntington Beach, Ca.

It is January, 2017 and we are in a drought in California. Rain is a welcome event, but we have had the most constant rain I have seen in a decade. The winter months can be very challenging considering we go through spurts of rain and wind in Orange County, Ca. This season is especially challenging for every other week pool cleaning service accounts. We do…

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Best Ways to Maintain Your Hayward Navigator Huntington Beach Pool Cleaner

 We are heading into October and the Santa Ana winds will be here soon, so this is a perfect time to maintain your Hayward Navigator Huntington Beach Pool Cleaner. The Hayward Navigator is a great automatic swimming pool cleaner, so let's look at a few tips.The first thing you have to know is that there are a lot of movable parts inside this Hayward Navigator, so…

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How to maintain Your Kreepy Krauly Newport Beach Pool Cleaner

It is September and the windy season is approaching. This is a great time to make sure your automatic Newport Beach pool cleaner is working efficiently. This article will cover the Pentair Kreepy Krauly which is a popular Newport Beach pool cleaner.The common parts that degrade over time are the suction seal, foot pad, bypass valve, and the bumper strap on the back of the pool…

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What is the Best Pool Filter in Tustin?

The 3 most popular pool filters in Tustin are the diatamaceous earth filter, cartridge filter, and sand filter. Diatamaceous earth or d.e. is the most popular pool filter in Orange County, Ca. Cartridge filters are gaining in popularity though and Sand filters are the least popular.A Cartridge Pool Filter is More GreenCartridge filters are considered the green filter (environmentally conscience). This is, because they do not have…

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How does Pool Equipment Work in Costa Mesa, Ca.

Have you ever wondered why your swimming pool water is sparkling and clear? Well, you can thank your pool equipment and chlorine for that. Sparkling clear, blue swimming pool water indicates sanitized, filtered pool water. Think twice before jumping into cloudy pool water as this is a sign of lack of sanitizer and/or bad pool equipment. You can catch an infection or suffer from skin/eye irritation…

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