Here are the 10 best pool equipment maintenance tips that can help sustain the life of your pool equipment and provide sparkling, clear pool water:
Always use a licensed pool service contractor for pool equipment maintenance!!
1. Maintaining Perfect Pool Water Chemistry Will Assist Pool Equipment Maintenance
Agressive pool water can corrode and damage pool equipment, so we strongly recommend a water chemistry certified swimming pool service. You can expect agressive pool water from negligence and/or adding too many chemicals. This aggressive water is bad for pool equipment maintenance. Always test your chlorine, pH, and alkalinity before adding chemicals to your swimming pool water.
2. Tear Down and Clean your Pool Filter Once or Twice A Year (Diatamaceous Earth and Cartridge)
Clean the grids/cartridge and inside of filter and then inspect the parts for tearing and integrity. Replace compromised parts and put back together.
The pool filter keeps your pool water clean and clear, so keep it efficient and clean. Neglected pool water will abuse your pool filter and hurt your pool equipment maintenance!
Cartridges are hard to find holes in, so if you have good water chemistry and your pool water is abnormally cloudy, it might be time to replace your filter cartridge especially if the cartridge has staining and/or decay.
3. Backwash your D.e. Filter 2 or More Times Before the Filter Tear Down and Clean
Pay close attention to your clean filter pressure recorded and backwash as soon as the pressure on the gauge rises a notch or two. This is a sign of pressure building inside the filter.
Sand filters need disposal and replacement with new sand every 6 to 10 years and 3 or more backwashes every year. Sand filters are fairly uncommon in Orange County, Ca, but there are some.
4. Inspect and Clean your Pump Basket Regularly
Blocked up pump baskets will block water flow and hurt pump motors. Also, inspect for holes and cracks. Debris will find it’s way to the impeller which can also get blocked or obstructed. Pump impeller obstructions will decrease water flow and can damage pump parts and motor.
5. Clean and Inspect your Skimmer Basket Regularly
Filled up baskets will obstruct water flow and cause damage to the basket which can allow for big materials to get sucked down the suction plumbing. This can lead to blocked suction pipes and big problems! Try to clean small pool toys out of your pool after use.
These little toys can get stuck in automatic pool cleaners and pool plumbing. If you have an automatic pool cleaner, make sure it is connected to wall or skimmer port and is moving around well. Blocked up automatic suction cleaners can restrict water flow and cause cavitation and poor water flow. Opened up wall suction ports without a cover can be very dangerous too. They can suck a child’s body or body part if left open without a cover!!
6. Always Keep your Pool Water Level from Getting too Low
Low pool water levels will cause cavitation at your pool pump. This cavitation will damage your pool equipment which is not positive for pool equipment maintenance.
7. Keep your Pool Equipment Area Clean and Unobstructed from Trees and Brush
Leaves and brush will provide a home for many critters and the brush can get in the top of the heater and block up air flow out of the heater. These obstructions can also make it very difficult to see leaks and other problems that are hurting your pool equipment maintenance.
8. Visually Inspect Your Pool Equipment Area for Leaks and/or Problems Regularly
Look for puddling around pool equipment and inspect your backwash p-trap line for dripping or leaks while the pool equipment is running. This is especially important if you think your pool has a leak and is losing more water than normal due to evaporation.
9. Inspect your Pool Heater for Rats, Mice, and Spiders
Look for mice nests and spider webs inside heater cabinet. These critters can damage wiring, gas flow, etc. especially when not in use.
10. Run your Pool Heater Every Month or so for Good Pool Equipment Maintenance
Also, always make sure nothing is sitting on your heater, because you don’t want to turn on your automated system to heat your swimming pool if someone accidentally placed something on top of it. You may not see your pool equipment from where you turn your pool equipment on, so make sure you visually inspect this.
Following these tips is great for pool equipment maintenance and will prolong the life and efficiency of your pool equipment. Efficient pool equipment is a very important part of your pool equipment maintenance. Now get your swimsuit and enjoy your your Pool Heaven!
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If you need help with any pool or spa projects in Orange County, Ca., provide us your information and we will respond with more info. and a free estimate or if we don’t provide the service, we will have the pool professional we use and trust contact you .

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