3 Best Tips To Avoid Hard Water In Your Pool In Garden Grove, Ca.

Over time, swimming pool water will grow in total dissolved solids or T.D.S.  This is a natural phenomenon due to evaporation. As pure water evaporates, all the minerals, byproducts, and other micro-particulates stay in the pool water. You can expect hard water in your swimming pool over time and you should use pool water recycling or drain and refill your pool every 5 to 10 years.…

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Why Do We Get Hard Pool Water in Irvine, Ca.

Hard pool water is....well, HARD to avoid. Tap water has several minerals in it including calcium and magnesium. As pool water evaporates, pure water escapes while the dissolved solids like calcium and magnesium stay dissolved in the pool water. These minerals grow in parts per million over time in the pool water eventually creating hard pool water. Put simply, you are adding hardness to pool water…

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